Multilink Primer A+B Refill 2 x 3 g
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Multilink Automix is a universal, self-etching luting composite system for the fast and reliable adhesive luting of indirect restorations made of all types of material. The self-curing (chemical-curing) Multilink Automix with light-curing option may be applied directly. Multilink Automix is used in combination with the self-etching and self-curing Multilink Primer A/B. Acting as a sealant for the dentin, it provides good marginal adaptation and high bond strength. Mix primers A + B, apply and you are finished. Indications: | Cementation of indirect restorations (inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, posts) made of: | Metal and metal-ceramics (PFM) | All-ceramics (silicate) | Strengthened core ceramics (zirconium and aluminium) | Composites. Advantages: | Quick setting reaction, easy removal of excess material | Broad spectrum of indications | Self-curing material with light-curing option | No total-etch technique, no light-curing | High-strength bonding values and stability.