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Pre-dosed capsules filled with non-gamma 2 alloy and mercury (one spill, two spills, three spills) ready for mixing on an amalgamator.
Description and Features : Pre-dosed capsules filled with non-gamma 2 alloy and mercury (one spill, two spills, three spills) ready for mixing on an amalgamator. Indications for use: Amalgam Capsules - All posterior restorations and any restoration, where aesthetics is not a prime consideration. How to use: It is pre-dosed and colour coded for exact and easy handling. Depending upon the amount of material required, it can be used. The capsules can be directed loaded on to the amalgamator for the mixing. Working time: 5-7 minutes Carving and burnishing: 7-9 minutes PACKAGING: : Box of 50 capsules