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Ivoclar Vivadent Fluor Protector Assortments & Refills

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3 Delivery Options; Fluoride concentration of 0.1% Improved treatment of hard-to-reach problem areas Clear, colourless, fast-drying varnish Early prevention measure, highly esthetic results
Fluor Protector Fluor Protector is a protective varnish with fluoride Because of its properties the varnish spreads easily and readily flows into complex surface structures. It dries quickly and shows excellent adhesion to teeth. Many years of clinical experience and numerous international studies confirm the effectiveness of Fluor Protector. Fluor Protector is suitable for treating children, adolescents and adults. Given its fluoride content, it is even suitable for treating pre-schoolers. The protective action of Fluor Protector is based on the following factors: inhibition of demineralisation, stimulation of remineralisation, incorporation of fluoride into the lower layers of enamel, repair of initial caries lesions. Available in 3 delivery forms: VivAmpoules, Ampoules and Single Dose